Nine Square in the Air

About the Nine Square in the Air

Join in the fun of Nine Square in the Air! A cross between volleyball and four square, this game keeps you coming back to try to make it all the way to the middle to be king (or queen). It’s endless fun with Nine Square!

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Nine Square Rally Rules
  1. Legal hits: Each player gets one hit to get the ball out the top of his or her square into any other square. If a player fails to do that, they are out, and move to the back of the line.
    • Players can hit the ball with any body part they choose.
    • Players are eliminated if they touch the game structure, double hit the ball, or hit the ball out of bounds.
    • In the case of an attempted block that comes back into a player’s square, they may hit the ball again.
    • Spiking is legal, but the player must not touch the game structure with their body.
  2. Serving: The only legal serve is a ball that is hit (not thrown) to an opposing player.
    • Jump serves are illegal. Your feet must be on the ground.
    • A serve can’t be a set for a spike.
    • The serve also can’t be a spike.